1901 – Death of H. M. Queen Victoria

by Alex

Extract from the Minute of the Committee Meeting dated 23rd January 1901:

On account of the much lamented death of Her Majesty the Queen (on 22nd January 1901), a hastily summoned meeting of the Committee was held this evening when the Secretary intimated he had issued post cards to the Members to the effect that the dinner would on above account be postponed in the meantime.

A few Days Later …………..

At a meeting of the Club a few days later it was resolved not to hold the Dinner this year but instead it was agreed to subscribe to the National Burns Anniversary Collection to the war fund. This met with a good response from the Members and the sum of £5.17/6 (£5.87p) was remitted to the Scotsman war fund through the Honorary Treasurer of the Burns Collection.

Note: It’s believed the war fund referred to above related to either funding for a war memorial or financial assistance for troops returning from the Boer War.