1941 to 1954 – World War II

by Alex

In January 1940, the Minute of a Committee Meeting appeared to finalise the plans for the 1940 Supper. As the Supper was imminent, it seems reasonable to assume that it took place at the Malleny Arms as planned.

This was a period of great change for the Club even before the War took a hand in things. The deaths of long-standing President and Chairman Tom Horsburgh, together with equally long-standing member and Secretary for over 50 years John Fairbairn, in the late 1930s must have inevitably left a very difficult void to fill.

The Minute Book was preserved but nothing was added until 7th January 1955 when the following was recorded:

At a Meeting convened at the Malleny Arms, a group of members of the local Burns Club decided to restart the functions as held previously.

‘Let it Blaw’ resumed ‘business’ on 25th January 1955