2012 – “Referendum Day”

by untangledwebl


Bard’s Oration 2012 

Referendum Day

(Tune, “The Wee Toon Clerk”) 


This years big phenomenon, or so it seems tae me

For it dominates the papers, the wireless and TV.

Its caused stooshies spats and posturing, and angry words as well,

so will things ever be resolved ? Well only time will tell.

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


Eck feels he’s got a mandate, tae dae things all his way,

so a’ the folk in Scotland, can really have their say

and the Unionists in Westminster, who’s breeks they must be crappin’,

efter setting up a system, where this wasnae meant tae happen.

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


The Unionists, Were panicking, or that’s the way it looks

so Goldie, Gray and Tavish Scott a’ got their bloody books,

They’ve a’ brought in their second string but things have no’ got better

If ye thought the last lot were a’ wets, well this lot’s even wetter

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


And they’re callin’ for consensus, wi every interjection

But were they half sae keen on that, before the last election?

In midst o a’ this is wee Eck, and he’s laughin fit tae burst

For Whatever dirty tricks they try, he always comes in first.


Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


So they now resort tae calling names, or calling for a date,

but it winna matter much at a’, for Wee Eck isna blate.

And of course, the Daily Ranger, aye has its daily snipe,

but wha cares what the Record thinks, for the Record’s bloody tripe!

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


Then the billionaires in Westminster, came in tae join the fray.

Tae run the referendum, so we wouldna have oor say.

Wi’ patronising language they, then tried tae wield big sticks

and tell us how they would step in, the outcome for tae fix

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


But every move they tried tae make, was scuppered by wee Eck

For the Tories and the lib Dems, up in Scotland are a wreck

So in total desperation, they brought in Michael Moore

Tae try tae put Eck in his place, his attempt was really poor


Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


Then up and stepped Ed Milliband, who drank a loving cup

Wi’ the Lib Dems and the Tories, God ye couldna make this up

The Bank of England then stepped in, and made some threatening sounds,

saying “if you go independent, we’ll no’ let ye print your pounds”

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


And now we hear most English folk, think we should break away

and gain oor independence, have an independence day,

As for this revelation, well I’m no really surprised.

They’re the readers o’ The Sun, and the Daily Mail who think we’re subsidised.


Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


Next up a Tory nincompoop, my lord Flight is his name,

came oot wi a’ the Thatcher myths, that we’re a’ at the benefits game

While the English subsidise us a’, we repay them wi’ abuse.

This lord Flight sure is no’ top flight, he’s just nae bloody use.

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


Then up and steps wee William Haig, and threatens us forsooth

Ye’ll mind o him from the time when, he was founder o’ the Thatcher Youth

And says if independence comes, then whisky will be banned

Frae a’ the British Embassies, in every single land.

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


They must be really running scared, the pathetic Union crew

Instead o’ listening to the folk, what do these lackeys do?

What tools are in their toolbox, tae bring us doon tae size?

Well there’s threats and slurs and insults, and there’s downright bloody lies

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


They cannae be sae stupid, that they dinnae realise

That for every dirty trick they play, for ‘yes’ vote there’s a rise

And who is pullin’ a’ the strings? Its wee Eck , fancy that

in Bute Hoose doon in Charlotte Square, and grinnin’ like a Cheshire cat.

Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


Now the consultation has been launched on the street of every toon

and frae now on a’ the Unionists will try tae bring it doon.

They’ve brought in an academic frae way oot west somewhere

And they’re quoting him a sayin’, that the question isnae fair.


Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day


But fair or not its right in there, and I think its just fine

and talkin’ o’ unfairness, think o’ 1979.

Be it freedom aye or Devo Max, nae matter who’s tae blame

for efter 2014, things will never be the same


Referendum day, endum day, refereferendum day



Bill Hill

January 2012