Sue bore the groaning trencher, Alex thoucht that he’d surprise her
But weel deserved her censure-
She got the whisky – no the Tizer.
Alex has a loyal, saintly wife,
As ony yin can see
He also has a muckle knife –
Like Crocodile Dundee!
Alex can be a villain
Tae him I mak request –
“Don’t tak the haggis that yer spillin’
And throw it at a guest.”
The haggis his wife hud carried
He’d addressed tae wild applause
But a portion noo is buried
Beneath tomato sauce!
I freely mak admission
It wis the thin end o’ the wedge
When we compromised tradition
Allowin’ haggis made o’ “veg.”
I don’t like change. I’m bothered
And never hope tae see
The dram a piper’s offered
Become a”little G & T.”
Alex cam up tae oor table,
Pale-faced wi’ wattery een.
Tae speak – he wis hardly able
Tae recoont whit he had seen.
His wails near made the rafters ring
His anguish deep and sudden
” A haggis is an unco thing-
No jist a mealie pudden!”
Wha could hae seen it comin’?
Not even Nostradamus
Could foretell that yon wee wuman
Could be sic an ignoramus!
Her crime few could imagine –
Wis wan we’ll ne’er forget,
Jist hoo a single bad yin
Can breach oor etiquette.
Auld women wearin’ sandles
Are weel kent fur their faults.
So are the unwashed vandals
Pittin’ coke in single malts!
I look wi’ sneerin’ scorfu’ view
And confess I’m at a loss.
It’s a sicht tae mak an auld sow spew –
Haggis drooned in tomato sauce!
Och cronies it does gie me grief
And even cause me sorrow.
The sicht I see is beyond belief –
Haggis drooned in “Pomi d’ Doro.”
When Alex orders up yer bottle
And asks me “Whit is mines?”
I’m share that me – he’d throttle
If I asked for yin frae Heinz.
Tae pit a ban on tomato sauce
Wid not prevent such tricks.
I suspect and that’s jist because
Heinz hae anither fifty-six!
Tae preserve future Supper’s purity
And avoid all such depravities,
We maun get S.N.P. Security
Tae search auld wives claes an’ cavities.
I’d like tae meet that saucy dame
It wid gie her quite a shock
Tae find oot the soup’s richt name
The French ca’ed it Leek and Cock!
“Soup” is the same word fur “Frog” or “Jock.”
Tho’ it micht be “Cordon Bleu.”
The French fur “Cock” is also “Coq”
Tho’ they spell it wi’ a “Q.”
The French fur leek is “Poireaux.”
It sounds like you-know-who!
It chills me tae the marrow
Tae translate the “parlez – vous.”
I watched that auld wife like a hawk
And thocht aboot the sleuth
Presented wi’ the “Pioreaux Coq,”
She opened wide her mooth.
She said “That tasted very nice.
But know that in “Auld Reekie,
I’ve had the same soup once or twice.
We ca’ it Cock-a-leekie!”
Andy Mc Gowan
January 2025