Agreement between ‘Let it Blaw’ & the Marchbank Burns Club

by untangledwebl



Agreement between the Balerno Burns Club  &  the Marchbank Burns Club

regarding the Competitions arranged annually at Dean Park Primary School, Balerno

Monday 21st March 2016


Those Present :

Allan Maclaughlan, President of the Marchbank Burns Club

Ken McDonald, Vice-President of the Marchbank Burns Club, Honorary Member of ‘Let it Blaw’, party to the ‘1997 School Competition Agreement’

Jim West, Secretary of the Marchbank Burns Club, Member of ‘Let it Blaw’

Ron Hardy, President of ‘Let it Blaw’, Past President of the Marchbank Burns Club

Iain McSporran, Vice-President of ‘Let it Blaw’

Jimmy Johnstone MBE, Hon. President of ‘Let it Blaw’, Member of the Marchbank Burns Club, party to the ‘1997 School Competition Agreement’

Niall Donaldson, Secretary of ‘Let it Blaw’, Member of the Marchbank Burns Club

Alex Hood, Treasurer of ‘Let it Blaw’


A Meeting took place between the above Office Bearers of the Balerno Burns Club and the Marchbank Burns Club in the lounge of Balerno Bowling Club on Monday 21st March 2016. The purpose of the Gathering was to discuss future policy regarding the annual Burns Competitions at Dean Park Primary School, Balerno.
It was decided to renew the ‘1997 Agreement’ regarding the administration of the annual competitions with appropriate amendments to phraseology reflecting slight changes in circumstances. The following was agreed :
1] That the major part of the administration of the competitions would always lie with the management of Dean Park Primary School, with Balerno Burns Club acting as the principal liaison group.
2] At the Annual General Meetings of the two Burns Clubs each Autumn, six Members from each Club shall be nominated as possible judges, with the list from the Marchbank Burns Club being forwarded to the Secretary of the Balerno Burns Club by 1st December each year.
3] In December each year, the Balerno Burns Club will communicate with the management of Dean Park Primary School to obtain the times and dates of the forthcoming Season’s competitions.
4]  When arrangements for the competitions are known, those on the Judges list will be contacted by a representative of the Balerno Burns Club regarding the competition[s] they are to judge. Where one or other Club specifically wishes that Judges for a competition for which they have donated a trophy be drawn from their own membership, this should be intimated at this time.
5] Once the list of judges has been compiled, the management of Dean Park Primary School will be informed of the identity of the Judges, and of the Club[s] they represent.
6] Judges should forward all results to the Secretary of the Balerno Burns Club as soon as possible after each competition.
7] The Secretary of the Balerno Burns Club will compile a list of all prize-winners and forward it to the Marchbank Burns Club.
8] All trophies and other prizes will be held by the management of Dean Park Primary School and/or the Prize Winners, and they shall be responsible for their safekeeping.
9] The costs of all prizes; Books of Burns’ work, Trophies, Shields, Certificates, and any other Cost associated with the Clubs’ joint sponsorship of the Competitions at Dean Park Primary School, will be apportioned thus :
Balerno Burns Club – two thirds
Marchbank Burns Club – one third.
10] All purchases of Prizes and all other expenses relative to the annual School Competitions will be made by the Balerno Burns Club with their Treasurer sending an Invoice for one third of the Costs to the Treasurer of the Marchbank Burns Club as soon as possible thereafter.