Jock Taylor

by untangledwebl
Honorary Member of ‘Let it Blaw’

Honorary President

1984, 1985


1966,  1967,  1968,  1969,  1970,  1971,  1972

Proposer of the Toast  “The Lasses”   1956,  1957

Proposer of the Toast  “The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns”  1961,  1965

Proposer of the Toast  “Let it Blaw – The Balerno Burns Club”  1962

Proposer of the Toast  “Our Hosts or The Landlord & Landlady”  1962

Proposer of the Toast  “The Chairman”   1963

Jock became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’ in 1921 when he came home from the ‘Watch on the Rhine’ as a young soldier after the first World War.

In a minute of the Cub’s Autumn Meeting on 6th November 1984, Club Secretary Willie Shanks, minuted the following : “Club President Eddie McCue proposed that Jock Taylor be appointed the Club’s Honorary President. The proposal met with unanimous support.”

Jock’s death in 1985 is recorded in the Club Minutes. His 64 years of membership is a the longest anyone can claim and is unlikely to be surpassed.