John Bookless

by untangledwebl


1930,  1931,  1932,  1933,  1934

Proposer of the Toast  “Commercial Interests of the District”   1925

Proposer of the Toast  “Agricultural Interests of the District”  1926

Reply the Toast  “Let it Blaw – The Balerno Burns Club”  1928

Proposer of the Toast  “Kindred Clubs”  1929

Reply to the Toast  “The Croupiers”  1930,  1934

Proposer of the Toast  “Our Hosts” or “The Landlord – Landlady”  1931 

Reply to the Toast  “The Lasses”   1932

Served on the Club Committee

1933,  1934

John became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’  in 1925. He was described in Club Records as a ‘Station Agent’ from Currie.

John’s death in 1934 is recorded in the Club Minutes.