Proposer of the Toast “Let it Blaw – the Balerno Burns Club” 1965
John is thought to have become a Member of ‘Let it Blaw’ c.1960 and was first mentioned on the Toast List/Programme 1965
At a Meeting in the Malleny Arms during January 1940 it was confirmed that Mr John Hogg of Bellsquarry had consented to propose the Toast to “The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns” at the 1940 Annual Supper. As this was only a couple of weeks before the Supper, it’s assumed that the Supper took place and that John Hogg did indeed propose the Toast. That was one of the last comments made in club records before the break in club activities during the Second World War.
The name John Hogg appears again in club records when someone of that name proposed the “Toast to Let it Blaw – the Balerno Burns Cub” in 1965. It’s unknown if the two references relate to the same John Hogg. In the mid 1960s there were still cronies at the Supper who had been involved in the Club in the 1920s and 1930s so it is very possible but, unfortunately, there’s now no way of confirming it. However, for the purpose of maintaining Club Records on this website, it will be assumed they are two different individuals until such time as the converse can be proved.