In February/March 2020, it became apparent that a major disease, first seen in China, was spreading throughout the world. Many aspects of day to day life in Scotland were affected by the spread of the virus with the Government closing down large numbers of businesses, schools, colleges and preventing travel both internationally and at home.
Late December 2020 saw the beginning of vaccinations on a large scale throughout the country with full coverage unlikely until late 2021. The vast majority of Burns Suppers scheduled for January 2021 were cancelled as it was illegal to hold such large events.
‘Let it Blaw’ took the decision not to cancel our supper and it was agreed to host a gathering of members online using the relatively new Zoom system. Club Members were invited to submit photographs of their meal which was to be eaten prior to the Toasts, Songs and Recitations.

if only he had remembered to put 50p in the meter.

Ian Falconer at a sprightly 96 years young.

Piping in the Haggis

“Address to a Haggis”















Haggis, neeps, tatties, a bottle of Highland Park, a beer ………. oh, and a computer !

Chairman & “Toast to the Balerno Burns Club, Let it Blaw”

“Is there for Honest Poverty”

Raymond Ward, “The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns”

“The Bard’s Lament”

“Appreciation of the Immortal Memory”

“My Luv’ is like a Red, Red Rose”

“Toast to the Lasses”

“Reply on behalf of the Lasses”

“Tam o’ Shanter”

“The Balerno Song”


“Ye Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doon”

“Now Westlin Winds”

“Toast to New Members & Guests”

“Reply to the Toast to New Members & Guests”

“Ae Fond Kiss”


“Holy Willie’s Prayer”

“Toast to Chairman, Croupiers & Artistes”
