Mike Erskine

by Alex


Replied to the Toast “New Members & Guests”  2021

Recited the Address  “To a Haggis”  2024


Served on the Club Committee

2023, 2024

Mike attended ‘Let it Blaw’ as a Guest in 2018 & 2019.

He became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’ in December 2019.

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Recipe Title: Servings for: Example: 4 Prep Time: Example: 1 Hour Prep Time Structured Data Format: This is Structured Data time format for Prep Time, Google and other the search engines will read it. Example: If the Prep Time is: 2 Hours 30 Minutes, you need fill here: 2H30M | If the Prep Time is: 40 Minutes, you need fill here: 40M | If the Prep Time is: 2 Hours, you need fill here: 2H. All characters need uppercase. Cooking Time: Example: 30 Minutes Cooking Time Structured Data Format: This is Structured Data time format for Cooking Time, Google and other the search engines will read it. Example: If the Cooking Time is: 2 Hours 30 Minutes, you need fill here: 2H30M | If the Cooking Time is: 40 Minutes, you need fill here: 40M | If the Cooking Time is: 2 Hours, you need fill here: 2H. All characters need uppercase. Total Time Structured Data Format: This is Structured Data time format for Total Time, Google and other the search engines will read it. Example: If the Total Time is: 2 Hours 30 Minutes, you need fill here: 2H30M | If the Total Time is: 40 Minutes, you need fill here: 40M | If the Total Time is: 2 Hours, you need fill here: 2H. All characters need uppercase. Number calories for this recipe: Fill number calories for your recipe here. Example: 200 Number fat for this recipe: Fill the fat for your recipe here. Example: 25 grams Recipe Cuisine: The cuisine of the recipe. Example: French or Ethiopian Recipe Keywords: Fill the keywords for your recipe here. Example: cake for a party, coffee Recipe Video ID: Fill the Youtube video ID for your recipe here. Example: If the video has URL like this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQHsXMglC9A – the video ID will be is YQHsXMglC9A Recipe Video Title: Fill the Youtube video title here Recipe Video Duration: Fill the Youtube video duration here. Example: If the video has duration is: 30 Minutes 17 Secs, you need fill here: 30M17S Recipe Video Upload Date: Fill the Youtube video upload date here. Example: 2018-07-31 ( format: YYYY-MM-DD ) Recipe Video Description: Fill the Youtube video description here. Ingredients:

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Review Number for Point 5: Minimum is 1, Maximum is 10. Example: 8

Review Title for Point 6: Example: Design

Review Number for Point 6: Minimum is 1, Maximum is 10. Example: 8

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Review Number for Point 7: Minimum is 1, Maximum is 10. Example: 8

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Review Number for Point 8: Minimum is 1, Maximum is 10. Example: 8

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Review Number for Point 9: Minimum is 1, Maximum is 10. Example: 8

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