Tom Sneddon

by untangledwebl

Reply to the Toast  “New Members & Guests”  2009

Proposer of the Toast  “The Lasses”  2010

Proposer of the Toast  “The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns”  2011


Tom became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’ in 2006 and was first mentioned in the Toast List/Programme of 2009.  Tom passed away on 17th June 2014. He wasn’t a member of the Club for very long, but he contributed more in his eight years than many others have managed in considerably longer periods.

A Tribute from Tam’s long time Friend, former Colleague and Cronie in ‘Let it Blaw’

The death of any Burnsian is to be mourned, and none more so than the passing of Tom Sneddon. 

Despite poor physical well-being for the past few years, mentally, he showed considerable courage and determination, using his well known sharpness of mind to good effect, and continued to take an active part in the Annual Supper whenever possible. 

Large in stature, he was a larger than life character who never hesitated to quote from his extensive knowledge of the works of the Bard, whenever appropriate, and to good effect. 

“Yet, tho his caustic wit was biting rude,

His heart was warm, benevolent and good”

Jimmy Johnstone MBE

Honorary Vice-President of Let it Blaw

20th June 2014
