1889 – Death of Peter Henderson

by Alex

Peter Henderson was the son of Club Founder and Landlord of the Inn, Alex Henderson and his wife Jane. The first eight Suppers following the foundation of ‘Let it Blaw’ were held at Henderson’s Inn.

It’s believed that Peter, who still resided with his parents at the Inn, attended the first Supper in 1881 and each Supper thereafter serving throughout that period on the Committee.

Extract from the Minute of the Committee Meeting dated 4th January 1889:

Much regret was expressed by the Meeting at the illness of Mr Peter Henderson who had been laid up for some time and was still very weak. On this account, it was doubtful whether the Supper could be held in the Inn, but they agreed to issue the invitations as usual with the hope that by that time, Mr Henderson would be sufficiently recovered.

Extract from the Minute of the Committee Meeting dated 17th January 1889:

Mrs Henderson having signified that on account of the continued illness of Mr Peter Henderson, she regretted being unable to purvey for the Club this year.

It was resolved after considerable discussion to hold the Festival in the Reading Room permission for same having been granted. A deputation was appointed to wait on Mr Dalrymple (Landlord of the Malleny Arms) asking him to purvey for the Festival which he agreed to do on the same terms viz. 5/- ( £0.25p) each for ticket which includes supper and all refreshments up to 12 o’clock..

Extract from the Minute of the Committee Meeting dated 29th January 1889:

On account of the death of Mr Peter Henderson which occurred on 23rd January 1889, a few of the Committee had met in the interval and deemed it advisable not to hold the Supper this year and the Secretary was instructed to acquaint Mr Dalrymple and write to those members who had taken tickets that such had been resolved upon. The Committee unanimously agreed to send a letter of condolence to Mr & Mrs Henderson conveying the Club’s expression of sympathy for them in their bereavement.

Note: On his death certificate, it states that Peter Henderson died of Tuberculosis at the age of 36 years.