1913 – Death of George Y. Robertson

by Alex

Extract from the Minute of the Annual General Meeting dated 23rd December 2012:

The Chairman also moved that the Secretary wait on Mr George Y. Robertson, Balerno, and express the Club’s most sincere sympathy with him in his continued illness which had now lasted for 7 weeks. They hoped he might soon have a restoration to his wanted health and that he might be able to associate with them at “the Haggis.”

Extract from the Minute of the Committee Meeting dated 14th January 1913:

A hastily summoned Meeting of the Committee was held this evening. Thomas Horsburgh from the Chair explained they had been convened to consider what steps should be taken on account of the death of Mr George Y. Robertson which had taken place on Sunday 12th inst. After some conversation, it was unanimously resolved to cancel the dinner this year out of respect to his memory, and the Secretary was instructed to send cards to those members he was unable to acquaint verbally of the resolution of the Committee.

It was arranged that as many of the Club as possible should attend the funeral on Thursday, the 16th inst.

Extract from the Minute of the Committee Meeting dated 25th December 1913:

The Secretary, John Fairbairn, informed the Meeting that a wreath subscribed for by members had been placed on the grave of Mr George Y. Robertson in Currie Churchyard.