Malleny Arms – 23rd March 1923:
After some conversation with reference to having an Excursion, it was arranged to drive by motor to Lauder on Saturday 23rd June 1923 starting about 10 or 10:30am. A sub-committee consisting of the following gentlemen was appointed to make further arrangements:
Mr George Calder, Mr Fred Belford, Mr A. H. Notman, Mr Andrew Falconer, Mr John Fairbairn. It was also arranged to invite the Rev. Father Miley.
Malleny Arms – 29th May 1923:
A meeting of the sub-committee was held this evening when there were present: Messrs. Geo. Calder, Fred Belford, A. H. Notman, Andrew Falconer and John Fairbairn, Mr Notman presided.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved of. The Secretary intimated he had received the following offers:
Mr James Bryce for motor charabanc to Lauder at 7/6p (£ 0.37p) per person. Mr Robert Nivison (Black Bull Hotel, Lauder) for supplying dinner & tea 5/- (£ 0.25p) per person. These charges were considered moderate, and it was agreed to accept same.
The Secretary was instructed to send out invitations to the members, stating the price of the ticket to be 12/6p (£ 0.62p) per person as before stated and requesting replies by the 12th inst. It was arranged to leave at 10 o’clock and that a further meeting of the committee be held on the 13th June.
Malleny Arms – 13th June 1923:
A meeting of the excursion sub-committee was held here this evening when there were present Messrs. Notman, Calder, Falconer & Fairbairn, Mr Notman presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved of.
The Secretary stated that 18 members had agreed to be present, and Mr Robert Fleming of Deanpark had signified his wish to be present which made 19. The Secretary was instructed to write to Mr Nivison stating this number. Mr Young (landlord of the Malleny Arms) offered a bottle of whisky to the Club for their journey through.
Malleny Arms – 23rd June 1923:
The Club held the excursion as arranged for this day to Lauder when the following members were present: Thomas Horsburgh, A. H. Notman, George Calder, Gordon McNeill, John Davidson, George Melrose, Robert Butler, James Butler, George Gascoigne, Robert Garlick, William Rankin, Andrew Falconer, William Lyons, George Calder Jnr., James Orr, Fred Belford, James Ramsay, Robert Marshall & John Fairbairn.

Example of a 1920s Charabanc
Leaving at 10 o’clock, the company drove with charabanc supplied by Mr James Bryce, Juniper Green, via Edinburgh to Lauder where they arrived about 1 o’clock. The day was good and the drive through was very enjoyable.
After partaking of a slight refreshment at the Black Bull Hotel, the Company sat down to dinner which was excellently purveyed by ‘mine host’ and former ‘Let it Blaw’ member Mr Robert Nivison.
The Black Bull Hotel, Lauder – the large building on the left of the street
After a song or two, the party repaired to the Bowling Green where a two rink game was played for an hour or so. Returning to the hotel, tea was served and one or two songs were thereafter given.
A stroll through the town completed the day’s outing. After a parting dram, “The Brewer’s Horse” and “Auld Lang Syne” were sung and the Company then took the homeward journey arriving at Balerno about 10 o’clock.
All expressed themselves as having enjoyed the outing and hoped it would be carried out annually.
PS. After dinner Mr Nivison’s health was duly drunk, proposed by Mr Horsburgh to which he feelingly replied.