Brian Buckner

by untangledwebl


2022,  2023,  2024

Reply to the Toast  “New Members & Guests”  1990

Reply to the Toast “The Lasses”  1991

Proposer of the Toast  “Let it Blaw – the Balerno Burns Club”  1994

Proposer of the Toast “New Members  Guests”  1998

 Recited the Address  “To a Haggis”  2001

Replied to the Toast  “Our Hosts – Balerno Bowling Club”  2016, 2017

Proposer of the Toast “Ther Lasses”  2023

Brian became a member of Let it Blaw in 1987. He is also a member of  Currie Rugby Club and Balerno Bowling Club and served as President in both Clubs.