Max Downie

by untangledwebl



  1990, 1997, 1998, 1999

Proposer of the Toast  “Chairman & Croupiers”  1988
Proposer of the Toast  “Our Hosts” or “The Landlord – Landlady”   1989
Proposer of the Toast  “The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns”  1994
Proposer of the Toast  “The Lasses”  1997 
One of Let it Blaw’s “Jolly Beggars”  1999,  2003,  2016
Recited the Address  “To a Haggis”   2000
Proposer of the Toast  “Chairman, Croupiers & Artistes”  2001,  2007
Proposer of the Toast  “Let it Blaw – the Balerno Burns Club”  2002
Reply to the Toast  “The Lasses”  2003
Recited  “Tam o’ Shanter”  2005,  2010,  2015,  2018
Proposer of the Toast  “New Members and Guests”  2019,  2021 

Served on the Club Committee

1997,  1998,  1999,  2017,  2018,  2019,  2020,  2021,  2022,  2023,  2024


Max became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’   1987