At 8:30am on Saturday 15th June 2002, the first Club Excursion of what might be described as ‘modern times’ set off from the village. The trip had been organised by…
Robert became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’ in 1908. He was described in early Club Records as “residing in Lauder”. He attended the Suppers from 1908 through to the Supper of…
The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns – 2012 – Mr Chairman, Guests, Cronies, the first thing I would like to do is thank the Chairman for his complimentary introductory remarks.…
Efter fifty years of toil a’m loused For retirement- let us get re-housed. We can afford a new-built, bigger hoose Oor weans huv flown – There’s nae excuse, We can…
In Tarbolton, ye ken, there are proper young men, And proper young lasses and a’, man: But ken ye the Ronalds that live in the Bennals, They carry the gree…