David became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’ c.1881 and was first mentioned in Toast List/Programme of 1882. Early Club Records refer to a “Mr Wyllie” being involved from the earliest days. As David Wyllie Snr, wife and family were the only persons by the name of Wyllie in the Balerno area at that time, it seems safe to assume that David was THE “Mr Wyllie” named in the very few reports from 1882.
That his sons, David Wyllie Jnr. and Robert Wyllie followed him as a members of ‘Let it Blaw’, adds to the belief that “Mr Wyllie” was indeed David Wyllie Snr. of Haughead Farm.
As David Snr. was known to the Founder Members well enough to be appointed to a sub-committee in late 1882, it seems reasonable to assume that he was ‘probably’ one of the 23 Gentlemen who attended the first ‘Let it Blaw’ in 1881. This is backed by the fact that a close neighbour of David in 1881 was John Potts who farmed adjacent land at Bankhead Farm, who in turn was the neighbour of Tom Horsburgh the blacksmith from Glenbrook Road who we know WAS at the first Supper in 1881.
By the early 1890s it appears that David had retired, and was staying with David Jnr. and Robert who, by that time, were farming at Pilmuir.