It’s said that if something happens at ‘Let it Blaw’ on two successive occasions it becomes a tradition. This appears to be the case with ” A Man’s a Man for a’ that.” There’s no doubt that over the Club’s long history, this song has been sung a hundred times or more at our suppers but, with the arrival of Club President Eddie McCue came a few new ideas.
One that has stood the test of time, is the singing of this song after the meal, and prior to the Toast to the Immortal Memory of Burns. It’s seen almost as an ice-breaker, a coming together in good order before the main Toast. However, not only did Eddie introduce this idea, but he gave it what he viewed as its correct name “Is there for Honest Poverty.”
So, every year, led by the following Gentlemen, the Company has launched into “A Man’s a Man” immediately before the Immortal Memory. The words are printed hereafter to help all other poor souls, tasked in the future with starting off the night with barely a dram drunk !