Proposer of the Toast “Agricultural Interests of the District” 1892
Served on the Club Committee
John became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’ c.1881 and was first mentioned in the Toast List/Programme of 1882. The first mention of him in Club Records is his appointment to a sub-Committee in “Christmas Week 1882” and then next attending the January 1883 Supper.
John farmed at Bankhead in Glenbrook Road so was a close neighbour of Tom Horsburgh whose smiddy was in Glenbrook Road. His land was extremely close to, and possibly bordered, Haughead Farm which was farmed by David Wyllie Snr.. For those reasons, it seems quite possible that John was one of the 23 Gentlemen who attended the first ‘Let it Blaw’ in 1881.
An example of the significance of John’s role in Club affairs is that when George Y. Robertson, the Club Bard, presented a collection of rhymes at the 1891 annual Supper and mentioned many prominent members of the Club, John Potts was one of those included. The presentation was printed by Club Member A. G. Moir and a copy is included in the Club Minute Book. The layout has been adapted for our website and can be viewed at Ragged Rhymes .