Monday 25th January 1886
Toast : The Queen & the Royal Family
Toast : The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns
Toast : Commercial Interests
Toast : Success to Agriculture
Toast : The Lasses
Toast : Absent Members
Toast : Success to the Balerno Burns Club
Toast : The Landlord and the Landlady of the House
Songs & Recitations
“Rantin, Rovin Robin [There was a Lad]”
“A Man’s a Man for a’ That”
“Scots Wha Hae”
“The Banks o’ Doon”
The Company accompanied by the Quartet
“The Lea Rig”
“Tam o’ Shanter”
Violin Duet
“My Nannie’s Awa”
“The Weary pun’ o’ Tow”
“Death of Poor Mailie”
“My Luve is like a Red, Red Rose”
“Mary Morison”
The Company accompanied by the Quartet
“Address to a Haggis”
“Corn Riggs”
“Green Grow the Rashes O”
“Ay Waukin O”
The Company accompanied by the Quartet
“Epistle to the Tailor”
“A wee Drappie O”
“Willie Brew’d a Peck o’ Maut”
A Trio
Other Songs
Other Recitatation
“Auld Lang Syne”
The Company
Office Bearers
President – David B. Fairbairn
Secretary – John Fairbairn Treasurer – James Craik
The Office Bearers along with
Tuesday 25th January 1887
Toast : The Queen & the Royal Family
Toast : The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns
Toast : Other Scots Poets
Toast : Educational Interests
Toast : Commercial Interests
Toast : Success to Agriculture
Toast : The Lasses
Toast : Absent Members
Toast : Success to the Balerno Burns Club
Toast : The Landlord and the Landlady of the House
Songs & Recitations
“Rantin, Rovin Robin [There was a Lad]”
“A Man’s a Man for a’ That”
“Scots Wha Hae”
The Company accompanied by the Quartet
“Auld Mare Maggie”
“My Nannie’s Awa”
“Corn Riggs”
“Laird o’ Cockpen”
“The Deil’s Awa wi’ the Exciseman”
“Address to a Haggis”
“The Banks o’ Doon”
The Company accompanied by the Quartet
“Epistle to a Young Friend”
“Mary Morison”
The Company accompanied by the Quartet
“Tween Twa Rigs o’ Rye”
“The Twa Dogs”
“Green Grow the Rashes O”
“Of a’ the Airts the Wind can Blow”
“Address to the Deil”
“A Wee Drappie O”
“Willie Brew’d a Peck o’ Maut”
Other Songs
“Auld Lang Syne”
The Company
Office Bearers
President – David B. Fairbairn
Secretary – John Fairbairn Treasurer – James Craik
The Office Bearers along with
Death of Founder Member George Henderson
At the Annual General Meeting on 19th December 1887, the following was recorded :
“The Chairman moved that the Club expresses in its Minutes, the loss it has sustained through the lamented death of George Henderson,
Sunny Brae, Balerno, who had always taken a warm interest in the Club and was one of its Founder Members.
The Secretary was instructed to convey a message of sympathy from the Club to his family in their bereavement.”
Wednesday 25th January 1888
Toast : The Queen & the Royal Family
Toast : The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns
Toast : Other Scots Poets
Toast : Educational Interests
Toast : Commercial Interests
Toast : Agriculture
Toast : The Lasses
Toast : Absent Members
Toast : Our New Members
Toast : Success to the Balerno Burns Club
Toast : The Landlord and the Landlady of the House
Songs & Recitations
“Rantin, Rovin Robin [There was a Lad]”
“A Man’s a Man for a’ That”
“Scots Wha Hae”
The Company accompanied by the Quartet
“First Epistle to John Laphraik”
“Bonnie Mary o’ Argyll”
“Of a’ the Airts the Wind can Blow”
“My Luve is like a Red, Red Rose”
Reading : “from David Hamilton”
“Silver Tassie”
“Corn Riggs”
“My Nannie’s Awa”
“The Banks o’ Doon”
The Company accompanied by the Quartet
“The Laird o’ Cockpen”
“Sweet Afton”
“The Weary pun’ o’ Tow”
“Green Grow the Rashes O”
“Mary Morison”
The Company accompanied by the Quartet
“Address to a Haggis”
“The Deil’s Awa”
Reading : “The Prince of the Plough”
“Death and Dr Hornbook”
“Willie Brew’d a Peck o’ Maut”
A Trio
Other Songs
Other Recitatation
“Auld Lang Syne”
The Company
Office Bearers
President – George Y. Robertson
Secretary – John Fairbairn Treasurer – James Craik
The Office Bearers along with
William Garlick, David Lyall, Thomas Horsburgh, Robert Orr, William Morrison, James Whitelaw, James Pearson Jnr. & Peter Henderson
January 1889
Peter Henderson, son of Alex Henderson, owner of the Inn, was also a member of Let it Blaw, attending all AGMs and singing as part of the harmony at the early annual Suppers.
At a Meeting of the Club Committee on 4th January 1889 the following was recorded: “Much regret was expressed by the Meeting at the illness of Mr Peter Henderson who had been laid up for some time and was still very weak. On this account it was doubtful if the Supper could be held in the Inn, but they agreed to issue the invitations as usual with the hope that by that time, Mr Henderson would be sufficiently recovered.”
The next Committee Meeting on 17th January 1889 recorded: “Mrs Henderson having signified that on occasion of the continued illness of Mr Peter Henderson, she regretted being unable to purvey for the Club this year, it was resolved after considerable discussion to hold the Festival in the Reading Room permission having been granted.”
Peter Henderson died of Tuberculosis on 23rd January 1889 at the age of 36 years. Such was the respect with which Peter and rest of the Henderson Family were held by the Club Membership,a decision was taken at very short notice to cancel the 1889 Supper.
Office Bearers
President – David B. Fairbairn
Secretary – John Fairbairn Treasurer – James Craik
The Office Bearers along with
William Morrison, William Waterston, Robert Orr, William Garlick, Thomas Horsburgh, James Whitelaw & David Lyall
Friday 24th January 1890
Toast : The Queen & the Royal Family
Toast : The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns
Toast : Agriculture
Toast : Educational Interests
Toast : Commercial Interests
Toast : The Lasses
Toast : Absent Members
Toast : Success to the Balerno Burns Club
Toast : The Landlord and the Landlady of the House
Songs & Recitations
“Rantin, Rovin Robin [There was a Lad]”
“A Man’s a Man for a’ That”
“Scots Wha Hae”
“Of a’ the Airts the Wind can Blow”
“My Nannie’s Awa”
“The Laird o’ Cockpen”
“Green Grow the Rashes O”
“Address to a Haggis”
“Willie Brew’d a Peck o’ Maut”
A Trio
Other Songs
Other Recitatation
“Auld Lang Syne”
The Company
Office Bearers
President – David B. Fairbairn
Secretary – John Fairbairn Treasurer – James Craik
The Office Bearers along with
Death of Founder Member Alex Henderson of “Henderson’s Inn”
At the Committee Meeting on 22nd December 1890, the following was recorded :
“The Chairman proposed that a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs Henderson expressing the Club’s regret and sympathy in the loss she has sustained with the death of her husband Alex Henderson which had occurred during the year.
Death of Founder Member James Fairbairn Snr.
It was also proposed that Mr James Craik call upon Mrs Fairbairn to express the sympathy of the Club on the death of her husband James Fairbairn Snr. which occurred on 14th October 1890.