1st July 1890 – Excursion to Habbie’s Howe

by untangledwebl

“The Club held their 2nd annual Excursion this day and revisited Habbie’s Howe, Carlops.

Peggy’s Pool, Habbies Howe

On account of the stormy morning, the members were delayed in starting.

Eventually however, the day cleared up and an enjoyable day was spent. There were present :

David B. Fairbairn

John Potts

Peter Potts

Tom Turner

William Garlick

James Craik

William Waterston

William Morrison

David Hardie

A. G. Moir

J. M. Rowatt (A.G. Moir’s Guest)

John Fairbairn

12 in all.

The company also visited West Linton and, after dining in Mrs Veitch’s Hotel (the Allan Ramsay Hotel in Carlops),

returned via Colinton to Balerno having spent a very pleasant day.

Mr Veitch’s Hotel, Carlops


Extract from Club Records written by Club Secretary John Fairbairn