Founder Member
Reply to the Toast “The Landlord and the Landlady”
1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1890
A Founder Member of ‘Let it Blaw’, mentioned only briefly in Club Records, Alex Henderson was the Inn-Keeper. The history of the Henderson family in Balerno can be found by clicking on the Henderson’s Inn’s page at Brows.
At the Committee Meeting on 22nd December 1890, the following was recorded : “The Chairman proposed that a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs Henderson expressing the Club’s regret and sympathy in the loss she has sustained with the death of her husband Alex Henderson which had occurred during the year.
It’s also worthy of note that at the Annual General Meeting of the Club in the Malleny Arms on 23rd December 1904, the following was recorded:
“The Club would no doubt feel that they must record in the Minutes the recent lamented death of Mrs Jane Henderson, for many years in ‘The Inn’ (The Auld Hoose), Balerno. She died at Malleny on 6th June 1904 at an advanced age.
From the Institution of the Club in 1881, she exerted herself most heartily in promoting its best interests. Her efforts to cater for the enjoyment of the Club were, to her, always a labour of love. Her good sense and womanly tact were marked features in her character. She enjoyed in a high degree the respect of the Community. Her memory is cherished by the elder Members of the Club and by all who frequented the ‘Auld Hoose.’
She often talked of the times of Burke and Hare and other notable events of that period. Her anecdotes at times were of the raciest character”