The Bard’s Oration 2016 The New P.A. System I recall Jim Tait, one-time Bard elsewhere, Talking of what was required, Some humour, some rhyme, some topical thought, And…
Sample Data-Articles
President – Ron Hardy – Vice-President – Iain McSporran – Kerr Cowan pipes in the Haggis – Andy McGowan announces the arrival of the Jolly Beggars –
As President of the Marchbank Burns Club, Allan was invited to ‘Let it Blaw’ as our Guest in 2016 and 2018 but was unable to attend. However, he did…
Henry became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’ in 1932 at which time Club Records show he was staying at “Lovedale, Balerno.” –
Robert became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’ in 1932 at which time Club Records show his address was Bavelaw Bank, Balerno. –
William attended ‘Let it Blaw’ in 1932. Club Records show his address at that time was Newmills, Balerno. –
– First Mentioned in Club Records in 1931. Club Records show his address at that time was Marchbank, Balerno. –
James became a member of ‘Let it Blaw’ in 1931 at which time Club Records show his address to have been “Ardluie” Lovedale, Balerno. –
He was first mentioned in Club Records when he attended the 1930. Supper as a Guest of Tom Horsburgh. He became a Club Member later that year at which time…