The annual outing of the Club took place to the Carlops this day when the following Gentlemen were present (12) : George Calder Andrew Falconer Edward Cotesworth (also two …
Malleny Arms 17th September 1901 A meeting of the Committee was held here this evening when it was arranged to have an excursion to the Carlops by brake on …
Access to the Merry Muses of Caledonia is restricted to Members of ‘Let it Blaw’
Warning – Adults Only! The “Merry Muses of Caledonia” contains material of an adult nature. Please leave this section of our website if you are …
Epistle wrote in the commencement of my Poetical Career, to Mr McAdam of Craigen-Gillan, in answer to an Obliging Letter he sent me.
Sir, o’er a gill I gat your card, I trow it made me proud; “See wha taks notice o’ the bard!” I lap and cried fu’ loud. Now …
To The Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Caledonian Hunt: My Lords and Gentlemen, A Scottish Bard, proud of the name, and whose highest ambition is to …
Ellisland near Dumfries, 3rd February 1789 Venerable Father, As I am conscious that wherever I am, you do me the honour to interest yourself in my …
When Nature her great master-piece design’d, And fram’d her last, best work, the human mind, Her eye intent on all the mazy plan, She form’d of various parts …
Thou whom chance may hither lead, Be thou clad in russet weed, Be thou deckt in silken stole, Grave these counsels on thy soul. Life is but …
Thou whom chance may hither lead, Be thou clad in russet weed, Be thou deckt in silken stole, Grave these maxims on thy soul. Life is but a …
Among the heathy hills and ragged woods The roaring Fyers pours his mossy floods; Till full he dashes on the rocky mounds, Where, thro’ a shapeless breach, his …