James Fairbairn Snr.

by untangledwebl
Born 18th October 1815 in Balerno
Died 14th October 1890 in Balerno, aged 75

 Founder Member

1881, 1882, 1883, 1884

 Proposer of the Toast  “Agricultural Interests of the District”  1883

James Fairbairn was 66 years of age when the Club was founded in 1881. At that time he stayed in Balerno Village with his wife Ellen and sons David B. Fairbairn who was working in the family building business, and John Fairbairn who was a clerk at Balerno Mill.

He was a frequent contributor at the early suppers singing a variety of Burns’ well known songs as part of the harmony.

His eldest son, James Fairbairn Jnr., had left the family home by 1881 but is known to have attended ‘Let it Blaw’ in the early days and proposed the Immortal Memory of Burns at the 1893 Supper.

John Fairbairn , the youngest of his three boys, was the first Secretary of the Club, and held office for over 53 years while the middle of the three boys, David B. Fairbairn, was President of the Club on many occasions, proposed the Immortal Memory of Burns on three occasions, and was a regular contributor at Club events.

At the Committee Meeting on 22nd December 1890, the following was minuted: It was proposed that Mr James Craik call upon Mrs Fairbairn to express the sympathy of the Club on the death of her husband James Fairbairn Snr. which occurred on 14th October 1890.