Longest Serving Club Members & Office Bearers

by untangledwebl

Longest Serving Club Members 

Jock Taylor – 64 years (1921 to 1985)
Willie Shanks BEM – 63 years (1932 to 1995)
John Fairbairn – 58 years (1881 to 1939)
Harry Rankin – 58 years (1925 to 1983)
 Thomas Horsburgh – 57 years (1881 to 1938)
James Orr – 51 years (1923 to 1974)
Kerr Cowan MBE – 50 Years (1975 to       )

(only 50 years or more listed)

Longest Serving Current Members 

Kerr Cowan MBE,50 years
Jim Goodbrand48 years 
Ken McDonald – 47 years
Gavin Scott – 42 years
Alex Hood41 years
John Cameron40 years

(only 40 years or more listed)

Most Years as President 

 Thomas Horsburgh – 29 years
David B. Fairbairn – 12 years
Eddie McCue – 12 years
George Y. Robertson – 11 years
Bertie Tennant – 11 years
Alex Hood – 9 years
Jock Taylor 7 years
Iain McSporran KC – 6 years
Bob (Sweep) Brown – 4 years
Jim Tait – 4 years

(only those in excess of 3 years listed)

Most Toasts to the “Immortal Memory of Robert Burns” 

Neil Allan – 3
Alex Hood – 3

 (only 3 occasions or more listed)

Longest Serving Secretaries

John Fairbairn – 52 years

Willie Shanks BEM – 16 years
Gordon Grant – 7 years
Jamie Buchanan – 6 years
Niall Donaldson – 6 years
George Orr – 5 years
James Orr – 5 years
Alex Hood – 5 years

(only 5 years or more listed)

 Is John Fairbairn’s 52 years of service as Secretary a record within the Burns movement ?
Click here for the answer

Longest Serving Treasurers

George Calder 29 years
Ken McDonald – 15 years
James Craik – 14 years
Willie Shanks BEM – 12 years
Alex Hood7 years
Bill Stark – 7 years

(only 5 years or more listed)

Longest Serving Croupiers

Harry Rankin  – 15 years
Jim Weatherston – 13 years
Charlie Husband OBE – 7 years
George Calder – 6 years
Andrew Falconer – 6 years
Neil Allan – 5 years
John Bookless – 5 years
Iain McSporran KC – 5 years
John Robson – 5 years

(only 5 years or more listed)

Longest Serving Bards

Willie Shanks BEM – 31 years
George Y. Robertson – 21 years
Bill Hill – 12 years
Andrew Falconer11 years
John Davidson – 8 years
James Orr – 7 years
Andy McGowan –  6 years
Alex Hood  – 6 years
Jimmy Johnstone MBE – 5 years

(only 5 years or more listed)

Longest Serving Pipers

 Kerr Cowan MBE – 42 years
Bobby Peat – 13 years
David Ross – 7 years
Willie Shand – 7 years

(only 5 years or more listed)

 Most Popular Supper Venues

Malleny Arms49 occasions
Kestrel Hotel24 occasions
Balerno Bowling Club17 occasions
Henderson’s Inn / Mr Brows Inn / The Grey Horse16 occasions